And going through some crazy changes. Slowly transforming from the mini est of waists to a protruding ...get in my belly! No, it's not a food baby. My best girl Ashley, a.k.a Sheit, is pregnant and going to be a momma in 6 months !! Let the countdown begin. Ashley has always, since the day our friendship began in the 6th grade, had awesome style. She takes risks, tries out trends, and is far from boring. Being pregnant doesn't mean your fashion and style have to be compromised either. It's a good thing capes, tunics, flowy tops, leggings, and boyfriend t's are in style. Which means that you can probably get away wearing a majority of what's already in your closet, until the way end, when you get super huge and bloated and all puffed out. Ew.We will tackle that issue when comes our way. In the meantime let's concentrate on you being the cutest little pregnant lady ever. Here are some go-to's for you to live in for at least the next 5 months.

7 maternity jeans..come prepped for your growing belly

over sized sungies...good to have now and after baby...disguise your lack of sleepy eyes
7 maternity leggings with expandable waist
or just plain leggings will do the trick
a full length maxi..super comfy with elastic waist
a long tunic to pair with leggings to cover your belly and your bum.
american apparel will probably have all of the above.
Cheers to you my dear lady and to the new life you are about to lead. Even though we live across the country from each other, I'm with ya the entire way.
So sweet. She will be such a cute mommy.