I slept in your room. You've yet to sleep in there. Yet when you do, I assure sweet dreams. I held you as promised. And I'm definitely not as strong as assumed, but I'm much much stronger now. Oh, I've mastered a new hold, which you really liked. You facing out resting against my chest while I got one hand cupping your butt. You farted twice while in that position, right into my palm. Wait, I take it back, you sharted. Naturally I changed your diaper. Did about 9 total. First ass wipe I dabbed. Yes yes now I know, front to back and to "really get in there." I wiped the shit out of your ass, literally. You're welcome. I guess I'm satisfied to successfully know how to wipe a 7 weeks old's shart covered bum AND the balls, the creases, and thingy. And although I kid, I cherished the hour long hold sessions, butt cleanings, outfit changes, and bottle feeding moments we shared. And the cutest thing of all. You fought so terribly hard to stay awake long as possible. Afraid ya might miss something. Truth is, once you lay your eyes to rest, me, your mom and dad did the same. I no longer need to be weirded out. Your Mom and Dad are the best parents to you. This whole parenting thing seems to have come naturally for them both. Didn't know I'd feel like this. I miss you all terribly.
I should give you a heads up. Your dad and Uncle Dave said you will be doing this by age 3. Howsit bra!
Talk about nailing it! I love how honest you are. Its scary stuff but you make it sound fun. I'm glad I was able to meet the little guy. He was truly a pleasure.