Then- Take rubber bands and twist fabric into little clumps (anywhere you want the dye pattern to go) and secure by tying like a ponytail as many times as you can get the band around it. This makes a circular tie dye pattern. I hang the caftans upside down to dip them in the dye and let it bleed into the hem. About four ties in the front of the body, four in the back, and two on the arms.

Using Rit liquid dye (easier than powder form) mix up a big bucket of navy, wine, and chocolate dye in boiling water. re-wet the caftans (good for bleeding effect) and dip them in the dye and leave them there for about 30 minutes. note that after washing you lose a LOT of color so for darker items leave in about 3 hours, stirring contantly at first, then occasionally. After dying, rinsing is hardest part. Rinse and then rinse more. After rinsing take off rubber bands and then hand wash them twice, which softens the tie dye effect. Hang dry and don’t worry about it being too perfect- perfection is boring!!!
idea and pics taken from
I once tried to bleach a pair of skinny jeans in a bath tub and it was a catastrophe!!! Perfection is boring, but not as nauseating as my imperfect DIY project.