Off to Orlando to hang with these 2 cats. They are getting married Friday! Yikes stripes fruit stripe gum!
Cheers dudes!
Baby..Sweet Angel..Are you in There. ..Can You Hear Me Baby?
if only this angel was prego with Juno's baby..but I thought this title fit well. It's also a question I often ask my puppy boy... cause I think it's funny
Jessica Stam by Sølve Sundsbø
No One's Gonna Love You..... More Than I Do
I have an issue with crowds. So whenever I go to a venue, of any size, I can easily be turned off just thinking about the number of elbow jabs and armpits in my face. I'm short too, so my view is always obstructed. That wasn't the situation at the Band Of Horses Show. I saw these guys last year at the Tampa skate park. Probably one of the best shows I had ever been to. It was calm and serene. Everyone was super cool. It was raining too. I typically hate getting wet. But not that night. I was wearing a white tee, so, I quickly bought a hideous blue hoodie, on sale, at urbn. The rain actually made the show that much more enjoyable. There was a constant light mist, plenty of elbow room, and the air was filled with these guys and their beautiful voice. Have a listen. This is one of my favs. I'm going to see them this Thursday in Orlando.
Hitching A Ride Take 2
if I had little tots this is how I'd ride with them. So cute.
I've given my friends a ride on my bike a few times. I was laughing the entire time. Laughed so hard I was sure I had abs of steel or a broken rib. Although these peeps don't find hitching a ride funny it sure is fun. Try it.
photo courtesy
A Chill Down Your Spine
seriously...pups are the best. Although I'm certain my lil man wouldn't do this....they truly are man's best friend. This video touched my sole and gave me heart-felt goosebumps.
Hot Action
bad ass Balenciaga Pants worn by Charlotte Gainbourg at Coachella...I get so jealous....
photot courtesy of
Tree Stump Book Exchange
A place where people can walk up take a book and leave one behind for the next person. A clever way of sharing with complete strangers.
So So Pretty
this picture is so lovely. I especially love her long hair. Just when I was about to cut mine even shorter I have to see this....makes me long for my long locks. Hmm.
Just Dance
Photo Cred Rocknrollbride
Just ten more days folks! I can't wait to just dance with my friends and fam. And Become a lil Mrs Halpino!
How Rude!
A glimpse at a few looks I'm diggin from Mary Kate and Ashley's line: Elizabeth and James
via instyle
Coachella Wear
I love music, yet hate crowds. I would have suffered through my intense driven-by-crowds-anxiety for this music fest. Here are some cool peeps with cool outfits.
Miss Jade Castrinos from Edward Sharp and The Magnetic Zeros
Kate- this is my fav
this is my 2nd fav
photos courtesy of refiner21
Goose it Like Mo Williams
urbn cadri+polkadot silk shorts, jcrew tissue tee, taget footless tights, husband's necklace, Mowilliam's Goose eye
Crave of the moment
Jeffrey Campbell Carli-C Clog
Clogs have made a big recent come back and I want on that bandwagon. Comfy and versatile, yet I've never owned a pair. I'm thinking about taking these guys for a spin.
I Risked A Spanking Wearing You..that's what he said
chillin...he with his with some crisp vino. Husbands hat...he's such a good sharer. Cheers.
There's a Hole in My Pocket Dear Liza
left: tiny army cargo shorts from fp, right: shorts from Anthro- so smooth and billowy
urbn polka dot silk number
urbn denim jumper with Anthro belt- plan on wearing for Ash's bach partttyyy
urbn dress, so ugly it's beautiful
urbn hats, his&hers=mine plus urbn 2-toned cat -eye sungies
All patiently hanging up ready for a body to fill....
DIY Tie Dye Project
First step- to warm up the background color. make a big bucket of tea, the more bags you use, the darker your garment becomes. Its important to take the bags out though before you put the clothes in or you could end up with spots from where the bag touched the garment directly. Stir for about 20 min., rinse, and hang dry.

Then- Take rubber bands and twist fabric into little clumps (anywhere you want the dye pattern to go) and secure by tying like a ponytail as many times as you can get the band around it. This makes a circular tie dye pattern. I hang the caftans upside down to dip them in the dye and let it bleed into the hem. About four ties in the front of the body, four in the back, and two on the arms.

Using Rit liquid dye (easier than powder form) mix up a big bucket of navy, wine, and chocolate dye in boiling water. re-wet the caftans (good for bleeding effect) and dip them in the dye and leave them there for about 30 minutes. note that after washing you lose a LOT of color so for darker items leave in about 3 hours, stirring contantly at first, then occasionally. After dying, rinsing is hardest part. Rinse and then rinse more. After rinsing take off rubber bands and then hand wash them twice, which softens the tie dye effect. Hang dry and don’t worry about it being too perfect- perfection is boring!!!
idea and pics taken from
Damn Forever....
All Clothes Forever
Apparently I went a little crazy today in forever 21. I'm not usually able to find so much fun, wearable, and most importantly not cheap looking stuff there. So much of this reminds me of Urban, but with 1/2 the price tag. I can't wait to play around with all of it, especially that shirt.
Slip Into a Slim Jim

Cargo pants have made a total transformation. Gone from baggy, sloppy, casual wear to slim, funktified, and sexy. No longer worn with sneakers. Pair these bad boys with sky high heals and leave the house looking all fancy.
photo courtesy of ~abby
Flawless Face
My makeup exploration has evolved over the past 5 years. I was a total eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss kinda girl prior to my intro with Bare Escentuals. Bare Escentuals has done 2 major things for me. Most importantly my mom started wearing this makeup 5 years ago when going through chemo therapy and her fight with breast cancer. The people and the makeup line made her feel so good and so pretty while at the same time she felt so ill and uncomfortably selfconscious. So, thank you for her moments of feel good. Secondly, on a more materialistically vain level, Bare Escentuals taught me how to wear makeup; foundations, powders, and cheek color. Both my mom and I have since moved on from mineral makeup. Mom is healthy and using Trish McEvoy and I am infatuated with Laura Mercier's Flawless Face. These are my go-to products that help me with my moments of feel good.
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